Hello …

My name is: Pablo … and I’m often: peckish (yeah … I could go for a bite).

I am a proud dad to two cool kids: Atticus (b. 2010) and Madeleine (b. 2011).

I believe cooking makes sense, is endlessly fascinating and ultimately sexy.

That just about sums me up … really.

What else … let’s see … there are a few more things that you should probably know about me … or maybe not … either way … TMI ahead (you’ve been warned) …

I have a love / hate relationship with myself (but I am genuinely working on it).

I believe people are not equal, but they are of equal value.

I believe in the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes.

I believe Black Lives Matter.

I believe in a just world in which all people receive understanding and equal acceptance and protection.

I believe in the importance of the free expression of religious beliefs, but also the freedom from such beliefs.

I believe in forgiveness, second and even third chances.

I believe everyone is entitled to the opportunity of earning a living wage.

I believe in the power of friendships, adventure, and the magic of uncertainty.

I believe in humanity, hope and working hard.

I believe in science, education for all, and a transparent democracy.

I believe in being surrounded by plants, being captivated by beauty, and falling in love.

Before this … I’ve had the privilege of failing at an incredible number of things … for that I am truly grateful. Ultimately, I look forward to every new opportunity, each and every one presenting a chance to be better than before.

Okay … whew … I feel better getting all that out (I think)! Now … let’s get to the deliciousness!

Thank you for stopping by, please be sure to let me know you were here.

– Pablo

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